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Yuki Yamaguchi & Phillip Strange - Double Rainbow (MP3/2011.08.30/105.4MB)

2013-1-8 16:31| publisher: 乱入的暗流| views: 1647| comments: 0

要約: Few singers possess the warmth of tone and creative vitality of Yuki Yamaguchi, one of Japanユs rising young vocal stars. Her beautiful sound and heartfelt expression has gained the attention of d ...

Few singers possess the warmth of tone and creative vitality of Yuki Yamaguchi, one of Japanユs rising young vocal stars. Her beautiful sound and heartfelt expression has gained the attention of discerning audiences in both the USA and Japan. In addition to performing at major festivals, Yamaguchi performs in Tokyo at Body And Soul, The Cotton Club, Motion Blue, Alfie, Pit Inn, as well as major jazz clubs in Nagoya, Osaka, and Kobe.

1. Tin Tin Por TIn TIn
2. Double Rainbow
3. Besame Mucho
4. You're Everything
5. Caminhos Cruzados
6. Modinha
7. Retrato Em Branco E Preto
8. Inutil Paisagem
9. So Danco Samba




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